On Moving to Mastodon

A little over a month ago I created my first Mastodon account. I wasn't sure at the time whether I'd use it, or what the split would be between Twitter and Mastodon.

Over the last week or two it's become incredibly clear that Mastodon will successfully replace Twitter for me. Enough people I know are there, I have enough good content in my feed, and the mobile apps are good enough. Is it a 1-to-1 replacement? no, but it's pretty great.

I'm not going to explain in detail my reasons for leaving the bird site, but suffice it to say I cannot support the new owner in any way. It's time for people to abandon ship - it hurts to sever those connections we've made, and I hope as many can be salvaged as possible on other platforms (whether mastodon or elsewhere), but it needs to be done. The idea that the site is a haven of free speech is laughable when you can now not even link to any other social media site, and that's that.

I chose https://infosec.exchange because the most people I follow are over there, and I'm in IT with a strong interest in security. While I would not say I am "in" infosec, I am adjacent and that's plenty good. What's great is you can pick an instance with your own interests and criteria and still follow and interact with everyone else! I've pinned a link at the top of the site "Find Me on Mastodon" that goes right there.

Maybe this will get me writing again - I've been inactive for a few years, but I'd like to change that in 2023.