November month in Writing: Week 2 summary

I was able to broadly stick to my writing plan last week, as well as converted a couple of my drafts into finished posts. I read just shy of the first 50 pages of "Release It!", and I am enjoying it so far. Every weekday post was scheduled for 8:00AM. This doesn't appear to make a difference when you have no readership šŸ™‚ I need to write some meatier posts that I can submit to Dzone - that does makes a difference.

I failed at pursuing a Hudson / Opera issue that has plagued me. I'll restate the goal for this week... I just need to go through history, merge some modifications to prototype.js into prototype 1.6, then create a patch file and see if anyone is willing to take my patch for a spin (as well as stage it in my environment for a while).

As for general week's news:

Oracle and Apple Announce OpenJDK Project for Mac OS XĀ  - the future of Java on OS X seems assured now. Cool.

Mozilla released Firefox 4 Beta 7 - this added JIT to their Javascript engine, and it's now faster than everything except Opera 11 alpha at Javascript. Woot - I was beginning to think IE9 would be faster, but I am glad to see Firefox 4 gain some serious speed. Competition is good, and it is my #2 browser.

Gold Nanoparticles Could Transform Trees Into Street Lights - this is just amazing. I spotted this on twitter and then later on engadget...

No specific ideas for topics this week yet...we'll see what happens.