Goals for the week starting 11/23

Results from last week:

  • My emphasis on fast tests has gained some stickyness in the office. I have a way to go personally, but progress is being observed.
  • Read another 50-60 pages of 'The Tipping Point'
  • Did 2-3 more Java Puzzlers (in the last, 'advanced' section)
  • Made daily blog entries - one week and one day left to achievement of my larger goal

With Thanksgiving, it is a short work week. This will give me extra time to experiment and soak in some new knowledge. I still need to practice my TDD more, and I want to really get in-depth with some build tools.

Goals for the week starting 11/23/09:

  • Finish reading 'The Tipping Point'
  • Get through the first 2 chapters of 'Programming Erlang'
  • Finish the remaining Java Puzzlers
  • Experiment more with new build tools